At Grays Woods Church, we believe kids matter a lot to God! Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14, NIV). That is exactly what we want to do in our GraysWoods Kidz ministry: help children come to Jesus. We have a dedicated team of volunteers who love teaching kids about God and how much they matter to Him.
We offer the following classes on Sunday mornings:
Here’s what a typical Sunday morning looks like:
We offer the following classes on Sunday mornings:
- Nursery – 0 to 2 years old
- Preschool – 3 to 5 years old
- Younger Elementary – Kindergarten – 2nd grade
- Older Elementary – 3rd – 5th grade
Here’s what a typical Sunday morning looks like:
- Stop by the check-in counter before the service starts to get a nametag for your child and a security tag that you will use when you come to pick-up your child from class.
- If you’re using the nursery, you can drop your child off about 15 minutes before the service starts.
- If you’re using the preschool or elementary classes, keep your child with you until after the children’s song is finished in the main service. After the song concludes, an announcement will be made about dismissing kids to their classrooms. Teachers will assist the kids in getting to their classrooms.
- Enjoy the rest of the service!
- Pick up your child (using the security tag) after the service ends.
ABOUT Grays woods church
Grays Woods Church aspires to be a Christ-centered community. Jesus serves as the basis for all we believe and value. He is the hope of the world and we desire everyone to experience a meaningful life and the joys of knowing Him. We band together through the ups and downs of life while striving to live His way and for His glory.
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