Revival and revelation happen when God's people unite in prayer, asking and believing God to accomplish His good will and pour out His Spirit. We all desire to experience and witness God moving in power to save the lost, free those gripped by sin, heal the broken hearted, and glorify His name.
Join us for prayer services on the last Wednesday evening of each month from 6:30-7:30pm at the church building. Children are welcome in the service but we'll have a few volunteers providing child care for any parents who'd prefer that option. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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ABOUT Grays woods church
Grays Woods Church aspires to be a Christ-centered community. Jesus serves as the basis for all we believe and value. He is the hope of the world and we desire everyone to experience a meaningful life and the joys of knowing Him. We band together through the ups and downs of life while striving to live His way and for His glory.
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